Why You Should Keep Spaces between Two Cars?

Auto accident involving two cars on a city street

You should leave enough space between your car and the one before you, so that you have plenty of time to stop when the leading car stops suddenly. Otherwise you can crash and be injured into the back of the leading vehicle. The more space you leave before you between your vehicle and your vehicle, the easier it will be to stop fast.

What Is Close Following?

The New Jersey Law (N.J.S.A. 39:4-89) prohibits drivers from being closer than is reasonable and prudent to other vehicles. When trying to determine the right speed you must consider the speed, the traffic and the condition of the road.

The exact definition of what follows too closely is not available. The Act does not tell you to stay behind your vehicle or the measurement. The law allows police officers to determine if a driver may have tailgated another driver.


By violating the laws you will get a ticket, five points on the license and rarely imprisonment of 15 days.

It will also be up to the judge to decide if your driver's license for a tailgating conviction will be suspended. Most suspensions relating to tailgating occur when the judge thinks that you are intentionally infringing the law.

Lawyer office. Statue of Justice with scales and lawyer working on a laptop. Legal law, advice and justice concept.

Why to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?

  • The Time Limit

One of the unique advantages of engaging a car accident lawyer is that he or she understands this timeframe thoroughly. Your lawyer will work with you to fulfill all the required deadlines. You will forfeit the right you have to sue if you don't file a claim within the time frame determined by your State.

  • Insurance

As you probably know, the aim of most insurance companies is to pay for any damages that you may be suffering in your car accident as little as possible. A small payment lowers the total cost of the agency – and a smart business owner aims at keeping the costs down. The smaller the payout, the better the insurance company can do. In this respect, it becomes essential to see who you choose to represent in court. If you have an experienced car accident lawyer on your side, your payment and damages are a top priority.

  • Proving Liability

Car accident proceedings are heavily dependent on the police reports as well as any witnesses on the scene. You will need evidence in the form of these reports to prove fault (or negligence in some cases). A car accident lawyer will help to ensure the process goes smoothly as possible by receiving help with the auto accident claim process. If you do not negotiate out-of-court with the insurance company, your case has to be settled in court. To win, either you or your lawyer must prove the fault of the other party in the accident.

At Foshee and Yaffee we help our clients to take the necessary steps when hit by another car from behind. For legal aid, contact us.

**Disclaimer: This content is not to be construed as legal advice nor does it establish terms of a client-attorney relationship.